1 result - Apartment for rent in Sta. Domenica

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Calanca has registered population growth of 8.5%, to 217 inhabitants, in the past 3 years.

Demographic data

The average yearly income is CHF 48,515. Of the population, 0% have a university degree, 0% have completed higher vocational training, 40.94% have an SEK II qualification (school-leaving certificate or apprenticeship), 46.98% are currently enrolled in compulsory schooling and 12.75% of the population did not specify their highest level of education.

Around 2.3% of the population is currently unemployed.


The rate of taxation in the area is 11.59%. Income, marital status and deductions are among the aspects that affect the actual tax burden. In Calanca, for instance, a retired couple (over 65) pays an average of 15.02% tax, a married couple with two children 7.35% and a childless couple 10.55%%. The tax rate for an unmarried person without children is 16.83%.

The property market in general

New buildings

In the last 5 years, 3 apartments have been constructed in Calanca.

2 apartments are 3-room apartments and one apartment has 4 rooms. These are particularly suitable for families.

Housing stock

Thanks to the construction of new dwellings, the amount of housing available in Calanca has grown, and there are now a total of 401 apartments. The number of 1-room apartments is 27. In terms of medium-sized to large apartments, the housing stock includes 162 apartments with 2 rooms, 89 3-room apartments and 39 with 4 rooms. Overall, there are 39 5-room apartments and 20 large apartments with a minimum of 6 rooms.

Unoccupied apartments

There is a 1.25% vacancy rate in Calanca.

2.25% of all 4-room apartments and 7.69% of the 5-room apartments are currently empty. Apartments with 6 rooms have a vacancy rate of 5.08%.